Note the quote… and the magical note!…

Man is the only creature who refuses to be what he is.”
Albert Camus


wonderfully magical minutes!…  1:40 and 2:00
..and the heartbeat
(headphones on would be best) 😉


„Go live your life like there’s no tomorrow, son ..and tell the others to
go sing it like a humming bird,
the greatest anthem ever heard…”

„The crickets sing a song for you,
don’t say a word, don’t make a sound
it’s Life’s Creation…”

„I make worms turn into butterflies.
Wake up and turn this world around
in appreciation…”

„He said – I never left your side
when you were lost I followed right behind
was your foundation…”

„Now go sing IT like a humming bird,
the greatest anthem ever heard
now sing together…”

11 gânduri despre „Note the quote… and the magical note!…

    • Bineînțeles, fiecare melodie cu frumusețea ei, nu?.. Și fiecare și cu stilul specific.
      De asta uneori e ciudat să se compare între două sau mai multe stiluri mai mult sau mai puțin diferite. Deci care prinde, prinde..
      Mulțumesc de vizite și comentarii! 😀

      Apreciat de 1 persoană

    • Ooo, ..iubesc franceza! O ador! .. ca și tot ce ține de Franța de altfel!… Nu pot explica de ce, decât poate drăgălășenia dnei Florea, iubita mea profesoară de franceză din gimnaziu?!… 😉
      Asociez Franța cu un tărâm mereu însorit, auriu, elegant și plin de căldură și tihnă, … 😀
      Bineînțeles că sună mai bine…, mai suav, cum altfel… Mulțumesc! ❤

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        • Am fost la Paris acum 12 ani, dar Parisul, oricât de superb ar fi, nu este ..Valea Loarei, Provence sau Alsacia, Bordeaux, Nisa sau Marsilia 🙂 Adică, acele peisaje cu care m-am obișnuit din filme și din pasajele descriptive din cărți sau broșuri, ..atmosfera aceea caldă, ca de după-amiază arămie de toamnă… Oricum, pentru viitorul apropiat avem pe listă Disneyland, Paris și deci, poate și câteva zile de vizitat Orașul Luminilor pentru a doua oară. De-abia aștept!… 😀


  1. There are a use quite clever of the words, It makes me smile the game of words in these (left/right):
    „He said – I never left your side
    when you were lost I followed right behind
    was your foundation…”


    • The game of words.. I’m not so sure I understand it, Francis, ..though I can see the left/right now that you told me. Do you mean.. from what point of view, ..quite clever? For a certain message to be inferred, you mean?


      • To me is subtle but reading it without translate it, I feel symmetries in the sound of the words „sing a song” and those magics as „worms into butterflies” and after that „wake up” that makes me think (for the closeness of the words) in wake up from a sleeping being to an almost flying being… free. ^_^

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    • Ok, now I think I see what you mean, left/right in.. capital letters. I typed it in google and.. there it was, the whole idea of it. I suppose it can be seen like that. Or.. it must? I mean, I liked the atmosphere in this song, those effects and the idea of.. loving life and being together somehow, but now.. Well, now I like it less, I guess. The only thing I didn’t like was the way those little men were arranged, in those straight lines, like a little army, somehow, I don’t know. Thank you for drawing my attention, I wouldn’t have noticed or thought about it otherwise.


      • Every point of view enrich our experience. It is a positive message but sung more like a call to wake up I think. Left hand left right, and left from leave and right from the rightdoing ^^
        But you are right, perhaps the author didn’t mean what I found, but when we do something and give it to the world (without quitting the rights of course :D) it belongs to the person that write or sees it in the way to translate it to his/her soul.
        The little men… I think they want to give the idea of an army so they can start to take action. Well, perhaps it is not the intention of the author… but instead of the animator of the drawings. That would be funny because I don’t feel the same in the second video ^_^

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