Culorile azurului… / Colors of the azure


“I am a restlessness inside a stillness inside a restlessness.”
Dodie Smith, I Capture the Castle

Lumină și umbre jucându-se de-a v-ați ascunselea…

culori și nuanțe amestecându-se, dansând neîncetat
liniștea dând mâna cu murmurul norilor,
iar razele șoptind tainic
prin adiere senină

…un aici plutind de acolo …un acum sosind de atunci

timpul din mijlocul timpului…


Light and shadows playing hide and seek…

colors and hues blending, endlessly dancing
quietness shaking hands with the murmur of clouds,
and rays whispering mildly
through breezes of blue

…a here floating from there …a now reaching from then

gentle time in the middle of time…

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“If someone asked you what color the sky is, what would you say?”
Shey Stahl

11 gânduri despre „Culorile azurului… / Colors of the azure

  1. One of my favorite shots in photography is capturing the sun doing something beautiful, and ducking behind a cloud like you have done here is perfect… Colors of the azure indeed. Beautiful words and photo.

    Apreciat de 1 persoană

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