My dear Phoenix


“There are times when a man has need of the open heavens
to compass his thoughts.”
Kathryn Worth, They Loved to Laugh


Acum un an, Draga mea Phoenix strălucea colorat și aprins, ca din eter.
Aripile păsării de foc… mereu întinse,  zborul… impetuos dar senin.
Călătoria… o ardere vie.


A year ago, today, My dear Phoenix was shining colorfully and bright… as if by magic.
The fire bird… nobly ablaze, its flight… fervent but serene.
The journey… the burning life.

through golden flutter it floats
soaring tenderly towards purple skies
on wings of thought it emerges
and cold it falls into deep seated highs
it gazes candidly forwards
with feathers of sun and of fire
and yields from softly burnt souls
foamy flames anew rising higher

it arrives, it alights, coming alive – awaited for a very long time
it appears, reborn from the burn, …from deep abrupt inner chime

pouring forever into dreamy eyes
it casts long gone sparks to the world
it puts a blaze upon smoldering cries
its song, the chant of a bird
the old giving birth to a new beginning
the past embracing the now
magic arising from earth through the air
from essence of time, ..sacred bow

it rushes, it climbs, from fire it surges – awaited for a very long time
it shows, reborn from the burn, …from deep abrupt inner chime

it touches my life with its velvety wing
caressing my heart in its flight
it dresses my soul like the words of a king
and heaves into the night
it travels abysmally, horizons and suns
smoothly revived from my dream
fading away into blue morning buds
to bear my blossom serene

it reaches, ascending from silence and ashes – awaited for a very long time
it flies, reborn from the burn, …from deep abrupt inner chime

t/here... and t/hence

9 gânduri despre „My dear Phoenix

    • It is a poem written in Romanian and translated into English, the translation happening naturally, almost word for word, which made things quite easy for me. I’m glad you liked it, thank you.


  1. O legenda urbana spune ca pasarea Phoenix a renascut din propria-i cenusa, dar nimeni, absolut nimeni, nu s-a intrebat daca a mai reusit sa si zboare…


  2. Pingback: Summer Quotograph… and my dear Phoenix | doar nicole...

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