Pufoșenii de sezon…/ Season’s Fluff


“Everyone is taught that angels have wings –
the lucky ones of us find that they have 4 paws.”
Jury Nel


Secunda norocoasă… și Turuz a privit. Exact înainte și după, multă foială, din aceea țopăită rău, plus ham-ham!… dar momentul în care ceva cumva-i zice stop, brusc și pentr-o fracțiune de moment îi transpare prin ochi o liniște… Se uită prin tine, de parc-ar ști ceva ce tu nu prea știi, te topește (chiar dacă-s undeva… sub minus 10).

Și-apoi iar, hop țop de colo colo, nu-l mai prinzi în stop-cadru decât la anu’. Sau, la primă/varăăă…


Lucky second… and Turuz looked. Right before and after, so much fuss plus whoof-whoof!… but the instant something tells him to stop, suddenly and for a fraction of a moment, something seems to come from beyond his eyes, like a silence… He looks through you, as if he knew something you really don’t, freeze-frame that melts you (although the air… somewhere below minus 10). 

But then again, hop hop here and there, you’ll probably „catch” him again in a year. Or, in spring or summeeer… 


“The whole world is a series of miracles, but we’re so used to them we call them ordinary things.”
Hans Christian Andersen


Iar Portocală… de colo colo, deși pernuțele-i păreau să refuze acomodarea, le tot scutura de frig și bâr. Dar, asta l-a-mpiedicat să cotrobăie? Nuuu!

„Unde, cum, ce… mă strigă cineva?!” Ei, mi s-o fi părut. O fi de la covorul ăsta din material rece alb? Pare… interminabil, mă-ntreb unde-o fi ducând.


And Fluffy Orange… to and fro, though cute paws seemed to say no, no and no to the nice temperature and stuff, he shook something off them each step of the way. But did this stop him from wandering about? Nooo!

„Where, how, what… do I hear someone calling?!” Hm, perhaps… just hearing things. Must be… this cold white carpet? Seems… endless, I wonder where it takes me.


Pe d-l cățel l-am prins într-o zi cu soare, iar pe Monsieur motănel… vreme închisă, urâcioasă tare, dar fulguia ușor în ambele stresiuni foto cam fugărite.

Oare… vedeți fulgii?

: ))

Mr Turuz was lucky, that day was sunny, but Monsieur tomcat… dull weather, quite gloomy. Still, snowing gently during both photo hunts.

I wonder if you can see the tiny snowflakes…


“Sometimes I arrive just when God’s ready to have someone click the shutter.”
Ansel Adams

12 gânduri despre „Pufoșenii de sezon…/ Season’s Fluff

  1. They look like lords lost in their thoughts in their land; with personal stories unknown to us, somehow I think in the characters of a tale, hours before a party in a castle. Fluffy orange shines into the blue ^-^.

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    • Quite distinguished, yes, even imposing, although they may take a jump or do something funny all of a sudden… and you’re right, that quiet air, seeming to take their time before who knows what cute event in a secret place, or palace of theirs somewhere. ^^ Orange Fluff over that fence was such a lucky second, being right on the spot for it made my day, after all that endless white, the blue was a nice change of scenery. And I noticed that too, its front paws somehow having shinier contours. : )

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