Cheie de nori…/ Key of cloud


“Dream’s elixir veered between light and clouds
to save the blue..”
Munia Khan


Se-nvârte coroana de rouă
se-ntoarce la gânduri senine
plutește o undă topaz
și-atinge tărâmuri
de mine

Străbate spre zare cuvânt
mirări, întrebare și ceață
se-aude din mersul luminii
din ceață de vis,

Întinderi de suflet și soare
cuprind orizontul închis
un val de speranță transpare
sclipind ca un mugur

O cheie de nori și culoare
descuie o ușă ascunsă
lăsând să intre căldură
în iarnă de dor


It spins a crown of dew
returning to whispers serene,
it floats a wave of lush blue
and touches soft lands
deep within

It crosses horizons like words
much wondering, questions still dawning,
it throbs from sun rays like swords
through foggy dreams,
misty morning

The fields of soul and shine
embrace expanses so close,
the glimmer of hope full of time
gleams like a blossom,
a rose

A key of cloud and color
unlocks a door duly hidden,
letting in branches of warmth
through wintry realms

13 gânduri despre „Cheie de nori…/ Key of cloud

    • The evanescence in the colors… feels nice, like a glide, and it seems more in the sunrise than at sunset or twilight. Maybe the sun is in a hurry to start a new day, sometimes I see the colors after I wake up, and before I grab the camera… the clouds already seem to write part of the next lines in the skies. : )

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