Cute Quotograph… and temporary blue buzz



Bondarul cu aripi de albastru în ape…
La umbră, aripi negru – abanos… la soare, sclipind culoare – splendoare.


The blue-winged bumblebee…
In the shade, black wings like ebony… in the sun, sparkling in marvelous blue brightness.


Buchet perfect, bâzâitor de magie albastră în zbor color… pe cât de încântător, pe-atât de trecător. Chiar și așa, acum… mijloc de noiembrie cu bondar de final de august la rever.

L-am și căutat puțin, fotografii diverse, dar toate… albastru bondăresc.  Sau chiar… violet.



Perfect bouquet buzzing magically blue in colorful flight… cute temporary delight. Even like this, now… mid November wearing a cute end of August bumblebee in its lapel. 

I also googled it a bit, quite many photos out there, all of them… bumblebee-ish-ly blue. : )) Even violet, too.


Minune trecătoare prin moment, și în nuanțe noi pentru mine. M-am bucurat mult că l-am observat, asortându-se în contrast cu zâmbet de roz, fire de verde și raze de amiază de august, iar acum… perfect încadrabil la provocarea de săptămâna asta de pe WordPress Daily Post, Temporary.


Fleetingly brief blue bumblebee moment for me, new hues too. I was very happy I could catch its buzzing flight over the pink petals, green blades, early August afternoon sun rays, and now… feeling perfect for this weekly Daily Post Photo Challenge – Temporary.


Magie cât se poate de vie scăpărând albastru metalic de fracțiuni de secundă prinse din pas de foială,  negru-bleu printre roz-verde și… dispărând fără s-anunțe de fel. Telefon, aparat foto și ochii… cât zarea! Îl urmăream înde..departe, cât de aproape permitea zoom-ul,  minunea pur și simplu savurându-și tacticos prânzul. Silențios concentrat în clipă după clipă…


Quite lively and lovely magic, with its metallic blue gloss, fractions of seconds luckily caught on the move, blue-black through pink-green and… then zipping away without notice. Phone, camera and eyes… staring intensely, trying to follow closely but still from afar, as close as the zoom allowed, the blue wonder merely taking its lunch. Silently engrossed in each moment…


“Sit here,
so I may write
you into a poem
and make you
― Kamand Kojouri




15 gânduri despre „Cute Quotograph… and temporary blue buzz

  1. Pingback: Temporary: Evening Walk – What's (in) the picture?

    • Mulțumesc mult, da, greu să reușesc să-l prind în moment de soare, fără… pe după frunze, și într-o poziție de poză, fotografia a doua chiar a fost moment magic, secundă… cadou, ca să nu zic noroc că oricum nu prea cred în el. 🙂

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    • That is more beautifully imagined and said than my lines in the actual post, Francis, thank you for complementing it so nicely. Now it feels like a touch of magic had dashed through the air leaving blue sparkles on its way to me. : )

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      • Hehe, is it? don’t know but the image is because I am not familiar with that incredible species of bumblebee, so to me is like seen something from a tale. Other time I saw a video on youtube of a crow talking and I wondered if I could see one talking but they, like many species we know from Hollywood, from the Northern Hemisphere. I think that’s the reason in the movie Troy with Brad Pitt (a so so movie to me) they instead put lamas in Troy to make it exotic and almost magic, as lamas are from here I didn’t feel it like this but I felt it with this post of you, Nicole, with this lapis lazuli charm n_n
        But you are familiar with it, memory set a kind of bond that drives the bumblebee to Romanian gardens and sunny days, and one thing about magic is that it has to been rare and improbable as a kiss with the taste of a smile.

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        • So nice, things that you haven’t seen with your eyes, felt with your heart yourself, may sound as from a far-off tale, yes, and the cute winged-creature… from a remote land, a charm with a subtle blue gleam, I see. To be honest I wasn’t too familiar with such a species either, that’s why on noticing it, I couldn’t leave the scene of the find ^^ ..until I took enough photos, phone, camera, not being sure if I had caught its special shine. I only left after it flew away itself, probably bored or tired to be the target of my quite many clicks, or simply in search of other flower bush, more out of the tourists’ alleys and ways. n_n But before that, it did manage to drive magic into my day in a quite sweet sunny way, you are right.

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