Noul și ecoul…/ Rapturous roundness…


“A radiant full moon of silver hangs in the black sky,
between the veils of misty clouds.”
― Moonshine Noire


Și dansau, se roteau
scântei albe țășneau

horă vie-nvârtind
vechi legende ivind
brațe lungi înspre noapte
croind drum printre șoapte
și spirală nocturnă
dinspre magică lună

dorință și vis,
din focul nestins
îngeri lumină
curați sau cu vină
fapte și miezuri
uitate în crezuri
silfi și ritualuri
sclipind printre voaluri
pădurea e oază
verzi valuri pulsează

raze de-argint
cu nori glăsuind
întrebând printre umbre
frământând nori-secunde
scriind cântec de leagăn
peste zâmbetul reavăn
peste iarbă și rouă
un dans ninge și plouă
cu mâinile-n șold
galactic imbold

peste râu și poiană
scuturând sânziană
în momente de vid
cer de lacrimi oprind
în suflet, în rimă
în gândul din inimă
furtună, foșnit
oprite vrăjit
din ritmuri albastre
prin aer sihastre

dulci și amare
minute solare
eternă cuprindere
de lume desprindere
lună și stea
rotind peste nea
decembrie dor
trecut, viitor
ianuarie prag
minute șirag

curmând îndoiala,
răsucirea, spirala…
prin cercul topit
simțind infinit
viu și rotund
imensul profund

arcade sărut
sfârșit și-nceput


And they danced and they bounced
wispy sparkles that flounced

all around they spun
old legends undone
arms flung in the gloom
contouring the doom
nocturnal whirl,
magical swirl

dream and desire,
scouring fire
angels that shine
damned and divine,
infamous deeds
soaking with creeds
the sylphs and the sprites
recasting rites
in the forest oasis
green veils and dresses

rippling moon beam
through clouds that gleam
questions and shadows
all through the meadows
long sung lullabies
smiles and cries
the grass and dew beads
the sky’s splendid seeds
hands on their hips
galactic trips

over the river
seconds that quiver
moments of drought
stifling a shout
in the soul, the heart
the still mind’s art
merciless blizzard
stopped by a wizard
from rhythms in blue
through the air and you

both sweet and sour
a moment, an hour
eternal embrace
cast into space
wolf moon aglow
caressing the snow
December delight
quiet and bright
January lashes
the minute that dashes

journey through doubt
within and without…
circles that melt
infinity felt
frail and round
infinity found

archways keep spinning
end and beginning


Provocare rotundă, săptămâna asta, Tuesday Photo Challenge – Circle, on Dutch goes the Photo! blog.


Round challenge this week on

Dutch goes the photo! blog, Tuesday Photo Challenge, Week 91 – Circle.





19 gânduri despre „Noul și ecoul…/ Rapturous roundness…

    • Thank you, quite interesting to describe or express… a circle, nice as well, I think infinity may define it best. As for the playful green points of light, felt like frolic in the air… quite airy sense of endlessness. 🙂


  1. I recall Borges writing that he liked the word moon in English as it was almost as a circle, almost ending with the same letter it started. That almost to me is like a circle that begs for us to close it with our finger. Angelical poem, Nicole, thank you, made me think in angels little as snowflakes snowing over the night : )

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    • Thank you, Francis, that was what I imagined, the moon, the green playful shine, the music.. a whole other world in itself to pour into words, the feeling of a circle as a dance, immeasurable or indescribable but tangible in every dreamy instant or step.. so eventually just to be enjoyed, the thrill that it brings. Borges.. I reread a little this morning, found a poem The Moon, but also liked finding about The Book of Sand and others. 🤔 His style.. both simple and rich, I listened here, enjoyed the speech much, the references to poetry, words, their etymology… he was passionate about Old English, I didn’t know (words’ journey through time). Also he sounds so modest and warm, made me recall how I loved The History of the English Language in university. : ) Thank you, again, for your nice references, relevant and inspiring as well.

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      • Thank you for the speech, Nicole. : ) I hadn’t listened to it before, he made it when he was already blind so everything is not from a paper but from his inspiration and culture. He grew up talking both English and Spanish because his family so the way of talking is not about a man that is translating but one that is actually thinking in English naturally while measuring what to say. I suggest you his poetic work, in tales the books Fictions and the Aleph and in conferences Seven Nights. Also he talked about poetry (in English) in the conference called Ars Poetica, the link probably is one of those conferences. My favorite books ever are Dante’s Divine Comedy and the complete works of Borges : )

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        • You’re welcome, Francis, I know and have always admired you having read Dante’s Divine Comedy, and Borges… thank you for the suggestions. I also liked how he made references to many authors in the English literature, George Bernard Shaw, for instance, a bit on the issue of inspiration, the „muse”.. the subliminal self. I found that interesting, caught my attention much, the explanations there. I will definitely read more. n_n

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    • Mă bucur, din suflet la suflet atunci, bobițe rotunde ca de rouă de stele… împrumutând lumina din acea ardere de dorit. Mulțumesc frumos, un sfârșit de săptămână odihnitor îți doresc (după răceală, cred, nu? 🤔)
      Pun aici și ceva drăguț pentru tine, sper să îți placă, am făcut-o zilele astea cu telefonul, cam aburici dar… mie mi-a plăcut. 🙂


    • Thank you for your nice words and gesture! And happy you liked my verse, that was the way I felt it, yes, a spectrum of countless combinations, feelings, thoughts, emotions… all caught in the dance of what being human entails, sometimes even within one and the same person’s mind and heart, paradoxically, making it all a bit more human and warm even, perhaps natural or pure like the seasons, moon phases, night and day… highs and lows, it’s all there. Again, thank you for being such a thorough reader. 🙂

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  2. Pingback: Tuesday Photo Challenge – Round Up 91 – Dutch goes the Photo!

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