Cute Quotograph… and sweet dear memories



Sclipiri purtate ușor
pe aripi de clipe și nor

plutire de val și de gânduri,

de pași amintire
și dor…

Tonuri de cald și culoare
purtate în suflet


plimbându-te liber pe-alei
de zile și inimă,



Shy shimmers carried afar
on wings of moments and cloud

afloat on a wave of blue thoughts,

on steps like reflections

Tones of silk warmth and sweet color
carried inside

dear treasures,

while walking freely on alleys
of days and heart

beyond measure



Pentru o provocare specială săptămâna aceasta pe blogul Dutch goes the Photo! – Amintiri.


For a special challenge on Dutch goes the Photo! blog this week, Tuesday Photo Challenge, Week 102 – Memories.


Dragi amintiri, adânci fire de culoare înnodate, împletite strâns în fibre de suflet, de viață…

…mereu acolo, urzindu-ne trecerea cu dulce și ușor.


Dear recollections, strong threads colorfully interlaced, deeply wreathed into our soul, all through our life…

…always there to stay and weave into our path sweetness and light.


Și se întâmplă cumva ca aceasta să fie postarea cu numărul 500 pe doar nicole. De aceea, amintiri… amintiri, pentru cei dornici să răsfoiască puțin spre înapoi, pun aici cărare sinuoasă înspre trecut, început… Categoria pe nume Amintite. Postări… am revăzut câteva, interesantă senzație, de… eu redescoperindu-mi vocea. Uitasem oarecum unele rânduri, gânduri, căutări… plimbare ușor rătăcitoare pentru prima zi din lună, dar plină de petale și joc.

Vă doresc zile de aprilie… soare splendoare!


It so happens that this also is the 500th post on doar nicole. Yes, memories… memories, for those willing to browse a bit, I am adding here a winding path into the past, the beginnings… the Category called Remembered. Former posts… I reread a few, interesting feeling, me rediscovering… myself. I had somehow forgotten some lines, thoughts, wanderings… perhaps a slightly meandering stroll for the first day of the month, but quite full of petals and play.

Wishing you wonderful sunny April days!



16 gânduri despre „Cute Quotograph… and sweet dear memories

  1. Pingback: Tuesday Photo Challenge – Round Up 102 – Dutch goes the Photo!

  2. What a very special post, Nicole. Your 500th, and also I think one of your most magical posts ~ both with your words and photography. The line of „while walking freely on alleys, of days and heart, beyond measure…” memories are something I think is special with spring, as we start out anew again. The music you’ve chosen too is special. I am enjoying it very much this evening. Cheers to a great week ahead.

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    • Thank you, Dalo, for your nice words, and happy to see you this beginning of spring. Really hoping for warmer days, yes, much green and colorful petals soon. As for memories… they do seem to have a life of their own, a voice, they feel so beautiful sometimes, like a soft breeze whispering of hues almost left behind. A tune that also came to mind was Barbra Streisand’s Memory, very dear to me, I love the lyrics, only it brings a bit a feel of autumn. Wishing you a wonderful week, and a sunny spring!


      • Barbara Streisand’s Memory, now that is a beautiful song ~ perfect (and yes, a good song for autumn!). The sun and warm weather has arrived in the Czech Republic, so I’m in a very good mood today and it looks like it might last awhile 🙂

        Apreciat de 1 persoană

  3. Congratulations dear, doar Nicole for the 500th publication ^_^ 500 thoughts and memories, they can be very powerful to make us aware of ourselves. I know that feeling too when you read your forgotten words, suddenly they look nicer, in both the dark and bright spots. : )))

    Apreciat de 1 persoană

    • Thank you, Francis, thank you very much. ^-^ Such a sensation to reread sometimes, yes. Funny mix of… did I really write that?.. and.. I ought to write like that more!.. or other feelings and reactions. And in fact, like a bumpy journey of self-discovery or awareness, really, I tend to think every one should keep a diary, record one’s thoughts in some way. It is a wonder, even a bit scary sometimes, how things can change while they stay the same somehow. And the other way around… also true. o_O And you are so right, in retrospect everything seems to gain a kind of golden aura, a delicate flavor and a warm glow, and we then look back at ourselves like parts in an ethereal story, a feeling that I must say I love, a bit of everlastingness. : ))

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