Lumini…/ Lights


“Life is brighter on the lighter side.”
― L.M. Fields


Săptămâna asta de noiembrie rece și gri chiar a fost cu și despre lumină și lumini.

De la florile ca rochițe ochioase de duminica trecută, apoi magia razelor dansând fel de fel acum două zile…

…până la felinare impunătoare conturând penumbrele azi…



This grey and cold November week seems to have been mostly about light and lights.

From the flowers bright colors like cute autumn dresses that I posted last Sunday, then through days’ magical light dancing in quite many ways two days ago…

…to lofty lamplights and posts contouring the afterglow…


…sau luminițe jucăușe profilând înserarea.


…or playful little light bulbs outlining the twilight. 


Felinarele seara târziu, dimineața devreme… cât de superbe sunt! Schimbă un colț de răsărit, sau de apus. Strălucirea lor ușor incandescentă străjuie șoaptele, gândurile, amintirile… însoțește pașii de dincolo de noapte și umbre, sporovăind cu copacii, surâzând grijuliu…

…topesc întunericul cu căldura lor.


The beautiful lamplights. late evenings, early mornings… how amazing they are! They change their corner of a sunrise, a sunset. Their glow, slightly incandescent, chaperoning the nights’ whispers, thoughts, recollections… They accompany our steps as if from beyond the shadows, chit-chatting with the trees, smiling vaguely…

…almost melting the darkness with their sweet warmth.


Lights of various kinds for

Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge (CFFC) – Lights, on Cee’s Photography blog




Allons, viens encore, chérie 
J’attendrai patiemment  sous la lampe dans la vieille avenue
Lamplights keep on burning
while this heart of mine is yearning 
Lamplights keep on burning
till this love of yours is mine

11 gânduri despre „Lumini…/ Lights

    • Especially in Paris, like in those beautiful paintings by Leonid Afremov, for instance. So bright and full of color… benches and buildings in evenings after rain shining in the lamp light. Thank you, Francis. : )

      Apreciat de 1 persoană

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