Anotimp…/ Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #24: Seasonal


“With winter here, it’s hugs all round.”
― Anthony T. Hincks


Călătoresc în timp,
în cerc de clipe desfășurându-se
pe trepte de nori,

poveste de suflet și viață…

Primăvara îmi arată
cum să pășesc,
să las aripa și albul
să mă poarte culoare

ca într-un vis
care-mi va preschimba diminețile



I travel through time
in a circle of seconds unfolding away
steps of clouds,

a story of soul and life…

Spring shows me how to tread,
to let the wing and the white carry me colorfully,

like in a dream
which will change my mornings.
silent becoming


vara-mi definește calm nuanțele,
conturând căutarea,
creionând surâsuri,


summer defines calmly the hues,
shaping my stroll,
giving fine contours to my smiles,
my words… 


pentru ca aurul toamnei
să-mi zâmbească solar
și să învelească tăcut,

să mai aștearnă un strat
de viață și suflet,

trepte de raze
pe covor de clipe desfășurându-se,

călătorie în timp…



for autumn’s gold
to smile heavenly
and to blanket all cozily

to lay yet another layer
of life and soul,

steps of rays
on a carpet of seconds unfolding away,

traveling through time…


Zile frumoase!


Happy holidays! 


Posting for

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #24: Seasonal




15 gânduri despre „Anotimp…/ Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #24: Seasonal

            • I once read a quote by an English author, Douglas Adams, that said, “Beethoven tells you what it’s like to be Beethoven and Mozart tells you what it’s like to be human. Bach tells you what it’s like to be the universe.” And I felt it is true, my favorite Bach is his Toccata and Fugue, sounds like the stars sailing the skies… 🙂 And The Brandenburg Concerto, or even Air, are pieces that are associated with castles or mansions, as you said, yes, and they do resemble Vivaldi. A bit like.. well, the wonderful soundtrack of a mini series which I love very much, called Till We Meet Again, although I know that is not Bach, the composer is Romanian, Vladimir Cosma. But his music has something.. of the sky and the stars in it too. ✨ 😊

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  1. Wonderful music in both cases. The introduction of TIll we meet again is quite famous ^_^ From Bach I like more his preludes and fugues. I think they are more playful and simple in their complexity. Perhaps the other music of Bach has so much solemnity or seems to require more intellectual prowess in classical music. Here is one:

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    • That is a sweet piece, playful, yes. Thank you, Francis. n.n And I think you’re right, and I am a bit more into solemn pieces, or intense perhaps. Also I am happy you are familiar with the movie series I mentioned, I always liked it much. : )

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