Aproapele din depărtări…/ Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #27: My Travels



Albastrul depărtărilor… și al valurilor… și al dorului de meleaguri însorite.

Este albastrul călătoriilor mele de vacanță. Iar dacă printre ieșirile de vară la mare peste hotare au fost și  Turcia sau Bulgaria sau Spania mai recent, totuși vacanțele în Grecia, și în special insulele grecești, au fost și rămas… regine!

Prima insulă grecească pe care am pus piciorul a fost Skiathos, în 2006, însă doar pentru o zi, o excursie croazieră. Așa-zisul periplu la doi ani în insule a început abia în 2012, cu Santorini, urmat de Zakynthos în 2014 și-apoi Thassos în 2016.

Uneori, da, îmi doresc mult să putem da minunea asta inefabilă de timp frumușel înapoi, selectiv cumva, să mă mai pot transporta câte puțin în acele momente. Acele veri. Poate să mă bucur mai mult. Sau mai altfel. Să fac poze mai bune. Sau să inspir, să admir mai bine… clipele, albastrul, aproapele din depărtări.



The blue of the horizons… of the waves… of the longing for sunny shores.

It is the blue of my holiday travels. And if among the summer vacations spent abroad were also Turkey, and Bulgaria or Spain more recently, still, the holidays in Greece, and especially the Greek Islands were and still are… king and queen!

The first Greek island that I set foot on was Skiathos in 2006, but only for a day, on a cruise trip. The so- called… every-other-year journeys to Greece started only in 2012, on Santorini, followed by Zakynthos in 2014 and then Thassos, 2016.

There are moments when I wish I could very well turn back this ineffable detail called time, selectively somehow, to be able to be transported miraculously into those moments again. Those summers. Maybe to enjoy myself more, or differently. Maybe to take better photos. To breathe and admire once more those instances, that blue… that faraway closeness.



Albastrul apelor de pe Thassos, aqua în amestec fermecător cu blue și bluemarin, pe alocuri fâșii strecurate turcoaz…


The blue waters on Thassos, that aqua in a charming mix with light blue or darker, here and there  streaks or patches turquoise…


…or depărtările azurii, uneori alburii privite dinspre liniștea cumva miniaturală a piscinei și șezlongurilor, lumina aceea extraordinară, aerul sărat, palmierii…


Or the misty blue farness, sometimes whitish, gazed at from the quietness of the swimming pool area, feeling like a miniature world, the lounge chairs, that strong silky light, the salty air, the palms…


Pe Santorini… miracol albastru adânc. Vestitele cupole, marea oriunde privești în jur și în jos, atunci când vizitezi Fira sau Oia, trepte coborând elegant direct în azur abrupt. Și câteva colțuri… de-o drăgălășenie și căldură complet grecească. Mi s-au lipt de suflet, iar aceste poze sunt ca un talisman. Îmi redeschid fermecat… ca un portal spre acele momente, plimbări pe alei înguste, căsuțe și hoteluri suspendate deasupra calderei într-un vis siniliu.


On Santorini… deep blue marvel. The well known blue dome churches, the sea anywhere you look, around and down, when visiting Fira and Oia… steps going down elegantly into abrupt azure. And some corners… so sweet, warm and lovely, that cozy Greek style. They stayed glued to my heart, and these photos… they are almost like a charm. They bring back those days like a dear spell… like a portal towards those moments, long strolls on narrow alleys, among little houses and hotels perched up over the caldera in a deep blue dream.


Florile Bougainvilla punctau plimbările în fel de fel de chipuri, terase, balcoane, ferestre, jaluzele, pomi… parcă invadate în mini cascade roz mătăsos.


Bougainvilla flowers making any walk a photo paradise, in so many ways… over terraces, balconies, windows, shutters, trees… fluffy pink waterfall and delight.


Și Zakynthos. Fluturând liberă fărâme de frumos ici și colo, la fiecare pas…


And Zakynthos. Fluttering freely blue dashes of beauty, here and there, at every step…


…cu a sa micuță plajă a epavei, ascunsă după un colț uriaș de stâncă în nord vestul insulei, ape însorite albastru lăptos.


…with its small Navagio Beach, hidden behind a huge rock wall on the north western part of the island, sunny waters from up there, dense milky blue.


Posted for this week’s Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #27: My Travels, a theme by Amy, whose post about her trip to Peru was wonderful to read, and such beautiful photos!

Happy travels 2019!






10 gânduri despre „Aproapele din depărtări…/ Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #27: My Travels

  1. Thank you so much for take us there. The turquoise blue is unbelievably beautiful and calm.
    I love the last photo especially. 🙂 The music goes with your beautiful post perfectly.

    Apreciat de 1 persoană

    • Thank you, Amy, and you’re welcome. Those colors are lovely, yes, I tried much to render them as I saw and felt them too. Yes, the sunset photo?… I’m very happy you do! 🙂


    • Thank you, Tina, I’m very glad you liked it. 🙂 Oh… I am sure your photos in Greece will be amazing, and you will really enjoy your trips there, not only on the islands.


  2. Voyage in blue. Very diverse and quite lovely photographs, Nicole. I am not sure if coming back you would get better photos, just different. These ones have a playful curiosity; for example the way you framed the ship in middle of the palms or in the last one how that black cross shaped shadows is vertically aligned to the moon. I guess the more we know about composition the closer we get to close the circle and doing compositions almost in an unconscious level.

    Apreciat de 2 persoane

    • Different, of course, better in some way, maybe less in another, I am a different person now. Playful curiosity.. seems the exact description of my feelings there and then, Francis, although doubled by some uneasiness, about not having enough time or experience, I felt, to take various angles, frames, especially at night. But it makes me happy now to see that the readers’ favorite seems to be a night photo. 😳 😊 Yours too, thank you, Francis. And another thing a bit, you mentioned „the black cross shaped shadows”.. well, I think you referred to a little window in that wall down the stairs, with its blue shutters a bit aside? ^_^

      Also, I remember clearly wishing to get everything in that photo, up and down, moon, stairs, boat and big pot on the roof, context a bit and above all… the sunset. : )

      Apreciat de 1 persoană

      • Oh, it was a window! Makes sense ^_^ And well, usually in photography twilight is one of the most popular hours, when the sky still is not black but blue and the buildings have a bit of light but at the same time they have the artificial light. As it last a few moments is very cherished I think.

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